I always end up having lot’s of family and friends over in the fall time. With so many people arriving, I want to make sure they know which house is mine! A super easy way to do that is to make a festive porch decoration that doubles as a house number marker!
What you need:
• VELCRO® Brand Industrial Strength Strips
• 3 pumpkins real or fake (1 large, 1 medium, 1 small)
• Dried ornamental grass
• Black number decals
• Fall Garland
What to do:
Remove the stems of the large and medium sized pumpkins. Stack the pumpkins and use VELCRO® Brand Industrial Strength Strips to secure.
Tuck the dried ornamental grass between the pumpkins and wrap the fall garland around each stack. Using the number decals, stick your house number onto the large pumpkin. Place outside your front door and get ready to hear compliments from all your guests!
That’s it! A quick and easy project to make your house stick out. To ensure you have everything you need, don’t forget to buy some VELCRO® Brand Industrial Strength Strips for all your DIY needs!