Halloween is almost here, and pretty soon, you’ll be running from house to house trick or treating or showing off your holiday spirit at school. Coordinate your outfit from head to toe. DIY these Halloween costumes with face masks!
In this easy tutorial, we’ll show you how to customize your face mask with our top 2 curated Halloween costumes using the VELCRO® Brand Sticky Back Ovals!
Perfect for social distancing, these DIY Halloween costumes with face masks are a great way to keep you safe while enjoying the holiday.
Now let’s get started!
How to DIY Halloween Costumes with Face Masks
The Pumpkin Costume:
What You’ll Need
- VELCRO® Brand Sticky Back Ovals
- A face mask
- 1 Headband
- One sheet of green felt
- Adult or child face mask pumpkin template
- Pumpkin leaves template
- Two pipe cleaners
First, print out your pumpkin face mask template.

Then apply our VELCRO® Brand Sticky Back Ovals to the facemask and the pumpkin cut-out.

For the headband, you’ll want to trace and cut out the pumpkin leaves.

Next, cut a 1-in wide green strip of felt and wrap it around the headband, gluing it as you go.

Finally, take the tip of the pipe cleaners and glue them to the leaves. Wrap the remaining around the headband.

And that’s It!

The Vampire Costume:
What You’ll Need
- VELCRO® Brand Sticky Back Ovals
- A face mask
- Adult or child face mask vampire template
- One cloak (OPTIONAL: Sew your own! Read the instructions here)
First, print out your vampire face mask template.
Then apply our VELCRO® Brand Sticky Back Ovals to the facemask and vampire face cut-out.
Next, place your cloak on, and you’re ready for some Halloween festivities!
Try these costumes out for yourself, and don’t forget to tag us on Instagram @VELCROBrand. And for more Halloween inspiration, stay on our blog!