The Northwest Flower Show and Colored Glass
Resident Gardener, Charlie Nardozzi shares his recap of the Northwest Flower and Garden Show in Seattle, Washington!
Six Hacks for Organizing your Messy Workbench
Organization isn’t just for the prettiest parts of your home—it can also make a huge difference when you’re building, tinkering, or fixing. After all, who wants to spend the whole afternoon rummaging around for that wood screw that you could swear you just saw a second ago. It’s especially frustrating when you’re elbows-deep in sawdust and have already made two trips to the hardware store today. Remember when Dad would disappear into the garage and all the sudden you’d hear a streak of swear words from that general direction? This is why!
Indoor Gardening with Air Plants
Indoor gardening is hot. Whether you’re growing a few low maintenance houseplants in the living room, growing herbs on a window sill or microgreens under lights, more and more people are gardening right inside their home.
Create Your Own Customizable Valentine’s Day Collage
It’s just about that time of year again, Valentine’s Day. Whether you love it or hate it, we’ve got a DIY that we think everyone will enjoy. With the help of our VELCRO® Brand HANGables™ Removable Wall Fasteners, we’ve created the perfect display place for all of the fun cards and notes you may receive.
Teachers—this is a great way to showcase those lovely Valentine’s all year long!
Not into the Valentine’s Day scene? This removable frame is perfect for any/all cards you may receive throughout the year. Best part about it? Fully customizable, while serving as motivational reminder of well-wishes and good times!
5 Easy Steps To Rearranging Your Bag With the VELCRO® Brand
The start of the year is the ideal time to declutter. You may have the house organised perfectly, but it’s easy to forget about your handbag.
If you’re anything like us, then you carry around everything but the kitchen sink in your bag and there’s no time like the present to restore a little order. Not only will it stop you from losing items in that bottomless pit, but it’ll save you on the chiropractor’s bill!
Growing Amaryllis with Charlie Nardozzi
Holidays are often about visiting friends and family and gift giving. One of the most popular holiday gift plants is the amaryllis. This southern hemisphere bulb blooms in December and January in gardens in places such as South Africa. For northern, cold weather gardeners, we can have some winter color, too, by growing it indoors. Luckily, amaryllis are easy bulbs to grow. So, if you got an amaryllis for the holidays or just crave some fresh flowers in winter, try growing this exotic beauty. Here’s how.