Charlie Nardozzi’s Garden Roundup
Our favorite gardener and author, Charlie Nardozzi is sharing his top gardening tips for Spring!

The Northwest Flower Show and Colored Glass
Resident Gardener, Charlie Nardozzi shares his recap of the Northwest Flower and Garden Show in Seattle, Washington!

Six Hacks for Organizing your Messy Workbench
Organization isn’t just for the prettiest parts of your home—it can also make a huge difference when you’re building, tinkering, or fixing. After all, who wants to spend the whole afternoon rummaging around for that wood screw that you could swear you just saw a second ago. It’s especially frustrating when you’re elbows-deep in sawdust and have already made two trips to the hardware store today. Remember when Dad would disappear into the garage and all the sudden you’d hear a streak of swear words from that general direction? This is why!

World’s Best Cat Litter™ Features VELCRO® Brand Closure On Packaging For New Advanced Series
PRESS-LOK® Closure Used on New Zero Mess™ Products to Minimize Mess and Spills BOSTON – March 20, 2017 – Velcro Companies today announced that World’s Best Cat Litter™, a Kent…

Indoor Gardening with Air Plants
Indoor gardening is hot. Whether you’re growing a few low maintenance houseplants in the living room, growing herbs on a window sill or microgreens under lights, more and more people are gardening right inside their home.

Cool Container Plants, Water and Seeds
In most gardens, February is a time of planning and getting ready for the growing season. Each year I speak on behalf of the VELCRO® Brand at Flower Shows across the USA. These shows are great because they offer new, creative ideas for gardening. One big trend in gardening is growing in containers and small spaces. There are some cool, new containers out there, not only for growing plants, but for catching rainwater and storing seeds. Let me share a few ideas with you from my travels.