Velcro Companies Promotes Willemien van Dam to Vice President, Tax, Treasury and Business Development
Van Dam also to serve as Special Advisor to the CEO November 30, 2015 – Velcro Companies, a global leader in fastening solutions, today announced that Willemien van Dam was…
Simple Travel Solutions with VELCRO® Brand Products
Traveling during the holidays (or any time, for that matter) can be stressful. Luckily we have a number of products to simplify travel whether you are hitting the road or hopping on a flight. Check out our simple travel solutions so that you can take travel off your mind and focus on enjoying your destination.
Five Travel Hacks That Will Save Your Sanity
New VELCRO® Brand PRESS-LOK® bags are the perfect travel companion. Whether you are hopping on a plane to head home for the holidays, piling the family in the car for a trip to Grandma’s house, or simply running errands around town, these bags are ideal. VELCRO® Brand PRESS-LOK® bags, which come in a variety of sizes, are sturdy and reusable with an easy open and close system. They’re a great tool to organize luggage, keep the car mess-free, and make travel stress-free.
Hack The Holidays with our Free Ebook
Create some unique decorations this holiday season with nine awesome, easy projects in the Official VELCRO® Brand Hack The Holidays ebook!
Create Your Outdoor Halloween Garden
For gardeners in most areas of the country, October means planting garlic and bulbs and wrapping up the garden for the season. But for kids, young and old alike, it’s also about Halloween. It’s fun to use the harvest and garden theme when decorating your yard and porch, perhaps even using flowers and veggies you grew yourself. Here are some fun ways to rock this fall classic.